Read just some of what's been written about Loving Spoonfuls... |
In search of a can't miss formula for a new TV show? Do I have a recipe for you....
Michael Posner---Toronto Globe and Mail-April 1/00 |
Loving Spoonfuls isn't so much about food as it is about tradition, family and love....Gotta confess, I lapped up every delicious second of this show.
Antonia Zerbisias--Toronto Star-April 19,00 |
What could be nicer than a TV show that pays tribute to grannies and celebrates good, old fashioned home cooking?
Brad Oswald Winnipeg Free Press-April 1/00 |
Just when I thought I'd had my full, along comes a new series that puts the flavour back into food shows.... Loving Spoonfuls is a winner in the food-show sweepstakes of life.
James Muretich-Calgary Herald-April 2/00 |
Loving Spoonfuls, has a freshness, warmth and believability simply because of its subject matter: Beguiling grandmothers of various ethnic backgrounds.....what a concept.
Kathleen Sloan-Globe and Mail Broadcast Week- April 8 edition. |
The show is not so much about the cooking as the revelations of the grandmas and the funny moments that arise from the cooking...this show will be funny .
Susanne Hiller-The National Post-February 00 |
Just like Grandma's cooking the show is heavy on warmth, character and comfort.
Angela Hill-TV Guide-April 1/00 |
David Gale is the perfect guy to take home to granny
Rob Salem-Toronto Starweek Magazine - April 1/00 ed. |
Host David Gale establishes an easy-going rapport with each woman. Their personalities, along with authentic cooking techniques make this show addictively watchable.
Kathleen Hickey -Presidents Choice Magazine-April/00 |
Gale is warm and respectful funny and slightly irreverant-all of which brings out the best in these elder women-who enjoy a bit of flirtation while they cook.
Kathleen Sloan-Globe and Mail Broadcast Week- April 8 edition. |
Novak and fellow Winnipeggers director Gail Singer and his old friend and affable on-air host David Gale have, for their first 13 episodes tracked down a collection of sometimes sweet, sometimes ornery, but always watchable grandmothers.
John McKay-Canadian Press- wk of March 23/00 |
What's likely to happen next isn't at all unpredictable. You can make book on at least another 13 episodes, with Novak and Co. casting the ethnic net even further afield. Then there's the potential foreign market-very big...
Michael Posner- Toronto Globe and Mail-April 1/00 |
Loving Spoonfuls goes cover to cover in Toronto.
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