Mahassin Bukhari

This dessert is served at any joyous occasion or religious holiday in the Sudan.
Yield: 32 pieces
3 cups all-purpose flour 750 mL
2 tbsp baking powder 30 mL
1 tsp salt 5 mL
1-_ tbsp vegetable oil 17 mL
1-_ cups water (approx) 325 mL
vegetable oil for frying
icing sugar

In bowl, mix together flour, baking powder and salt. With hands or wooden spoon, mix in oil and enough water to make a smooth sticky dough.
Dust work surface with flour. Roll out half of dough into a 4-inch (10 cm) wide strip, _-inch (5 mm) thick. Cut into 4- x 2-inch (10 x 5 cm) rectangles. Pour enough oil into skillet to come about 1 inch (2.5 cm) up side; heat oil over high heat. Check to ensure oil is hot enough by placing a small piece of dough in oil. Bubbles should rise rapidly and dough should begin to brown in 1 minute. Fry a few strips of dough at a time, for about 1 minute, turning once or until puffed and golden. Transfer to paper towel-lined baking sheet to drain. Let cool. Sprinkle with icing sugar. Serve immediately.

Fatir are best served shortly after cooking. If there are any leftover, re-heat in 350ºF (180ºC) oven for about 5 minutes before serving. Sprinkle with more icing sugar.

Chicken with Yogurt

Eggplant Salad

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